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A bit about me
My name is Jessica, the host of The Mama Making Podcast - I'm so glad you're here!
I'm a mama to an almost-two-year-old named Bode and live in the Chicago Suburbs with my husband Greg and our two rescue dogs, Winston & Rihanna. Greg owns and runs a CrossFit gym in our community and I work as a Project Manager in behavioral health at a large health system.
We're a little crunchy, I'd like to think modern crunchy - I like things on the more natural side, but definitely relent to convenience! We're working our way toward being more self sufficient on our way to fulfilling our dream of having a farmstead.
We love to spend time outside, supporting our little community, and hanging out with family and friends. Bode and his cousins were born to be brewery babies, so rain or shine, we typically hit a brewery in the area!
I'm so excited to be relaunching the podcast and rebranding in a way that seems more authentic to me in this new life space! I'm looking forward to being more present in the mom-space and meeting new moms.
Let's connect!


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